Garlic Sauce        

This is simply devine, whether used in casseroles and stews or just a dash on your steak – the flavour is amazing!  And very healthy for you too!!

Garlic's health benefits and medicinal properties have long been known.

It has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the Plague! It has been used extensively in herbal medicine. Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent.

Modern science has shown that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, although broad-spectrum rather than targeted. The body does not appear to build up resistance to the garlic, so its positive health benefits continue over time.

The Garlic Sauce and Pickled Garlic have been popular with my friends and family for many years and are two of the products from my grandparents 1950’s cookbook.

$12 bottle (230ml)

$15 bottle (375ml)



Pickled Garlic     

Eat just like a pickled onion!  If left for full pickling time there is no breath odour. There is no reason why it cannot be eaten within one week of pickling but has a better flavour if left for 4 to 6 weeks. One clove a day keeps you healthy!

Two flavours available, plain with the black top, and chilli with the red or gold top.

$12.00 jar (285ml)



Walnut Pesto

This was expected to be seasonal only, but so far have managed to keep up the supply.

Great on crackers, or with French bread and blue cheese.  

Also add a tablespoon to bowl of pasta just after cooking.

The nicest way of eating this I have found is to toast Vogels bread and spread on like butter.
The combination of the nutty bread and the walnuts is amazing and very addictive.


$10 punnet (250g) or

$12 jar (285ml)



Pear and Walnut Chutney

I first experienced this when I stayed in a 300 year old Farm house in Quissac in the Langue region of France. Every morning – warmed on freshly baked French bread.

Really nice addition to open meat sandwich or hamburger!  Especially nice with roast pork.


$12 jar  (285ml)